Lutheran Hour Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry supporting churches worldwide. LHM produces Christian radio and TV programming for broadcast, as well as Internet and print communications, dramas, music, and outreach materials, to reach unchurched people in the United States and more than 30 other countries. LHM's flagship program, The Lutheran Hour, airs weekly on 1400 stations and the American Forces Network. Visit for more information.


Words of Grace Build Us Up

The gracious words of God change our lives for the better, tell us of our inheritance, and remind us that we are part of a much larger family.

My Pastor

Like sheep that need a shepherd, followers of Christ need pastors who will come looking for them when they stray.

An Eager Conversationalist!

The Holy Spirit empowers us to open our mouths and share Jesus, so that all might have what none of us deserve.

You're Really into This, Aren't You?

People can be passionate about sports, gardening, video games, or family. All those things can be good, but none of them can save you.

Water Power

God's mission is like water. Without changing what it is, the Good News of God's Kingdom takes the shape of its cultural container, crossing boundaries and barriers.

Selfless Sending

The Christians of ancient Antioch were known for their spirit of selfless sacrifice. The spirit of Antioch continues in the Church today because Christ Himself is with us.

Lit Up

The Law and Gospel light of Jesus is both an exposing searchlight that reveals our shortcomings and a warm grow light that nurtures us.

Penultimate Sacrifice

Memorial Day honors those who made "the ultimate sacrifice" in service to country, but there was one Sacrifice infinitely greater.

Waiting, But Not Alone

Jesus leaves His followers waiting for Him to return but He promises they will not be left alone.