Alarm company helps Spokane pizza place after burglaries


SPOKANE, Wash. -Mascot pizza seemed like it couldn't catch a break after it had two break-ins within two weeks of the first one happening.

Michael Crouse who owns a local alarm company wanted to make sure something like that wouldn't happen again "Now we are blessing them with free installation of equipment, free monitoring and doing this to help them out," said Michael Crouse owner of Total Security.

Thankfully one of the suspects was caught within hours of him breaking in, but the first one is still on the run. There's a catch with the free installation and monitoring of the alarm system. Mascot pizza will be paying it forward in a big way. Mascot Pizza will be helping the northeast youth center in Hillyard throw pizza parties once a month for the next year.

The parties will be for 40 plus kids who are in need. Mascot Pizza's co-owner Brenda Eickerman s looking forward throwing those pizza parties "Kids that are less fortunate we want to be able to help them as much as we can. So hopefully we can even do more than just pizza in the future to help them," said Co-Owner of Mascot Pizza Brenda Eickerman.

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