Spokane C.O.P.S. mounted patrols mount up at parks around town


SPOKANE, Wash. -On Sunday the Spokane C.O.P.S. Mounted Patrol Unit made its first appearance in the Spokane parks after about four months of training. This group is made up entirely of volunteers. They went to nine different parks Sunday across the area to give the public a chance to come out and meet the horses. Their hope is to introduce horses to kids who may have never seen one up close before as well as chat about safety.

“When you see us in your parks, come up and say hi. If you want to know about neighborhood block watch or how to not be a victim of crime -- anything like that -- we'd love to talk to you about that,” said Marissa Butler, Spokane C.O.P.S. Mounted Patrol Unit volunteer.

She also said that they would love to talk with people about becoming a volunteer with the unit. You don't even have to have a horse to volunteer. She said they're always looking for people to help out on the ground. Poop scooper is a very noble job in the unit.

Overall, the first day was a success. They had several people come up to meet the horses through out the course of the day. Spokane C.O.P.S. Executive Director, Patrick Striker, was pleased with the result. He said, “I think people are pretty stoked to see horses in a city park, that's not something you see very often. And it's just a great attraction.”

The Mounted Patrol Unit will be making visits on Saturdays and Sundays at several different parks through out the Spokane area all summer through September. To view their schedule you can go to http://www.spokanecops.org/mounted-patrol-unit-schedule-of-park-rides.

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