Thief leaves behind stolen military gear in Spokane


SPOKANE, Wash. -What kind of person steals an army man's uniform and gear? One Spokane woman is asking that question after she says she was disgusted to find that when her shed was broken into, she found stolen military gear left behind.

Rebeccah Rowden says she was walking through the snow in her alleyway to get to the bus stop, when she noticed the lock to her shed was on the ground. "They broke the whole metal part off. They couldn't get the lock to break itself, so they just took the whole metal off and you can see pry marks," she said.

Whoever came, stole tools which is something Rowden says is replaceable but she saw property that belonged to someone else next to her shed that is irreplaceable. "We noticed a lot of army stuff scattered around and army boots just left laying here," she said.

Army issued boots, patches and dog tags with a military man's name on it, were left behind. "To steal from an army man? It's disgusting," Rowden said.

Rowden took to Facebook to find him and he messaged back. "I was able to find the guy that this stuff was stolen from and someone had broken into his car as well and had stolen his entire military uniform. It's heartbreaking. He serves for our country and he can't even leave his uniform in the car," said Rowden.

Rowden says she is waiting to hear back from the man who had his military boots and tags stolen so she can return it to him. She's hoping the thief can do the right thing and return the stolen military uniform and get the help that they need.

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