Firefighters meet someone they saved using pit crew CPR


SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash. -Everyday, firefighters respond to many different calls. But it’s not everyday that they get to reunite with the people they help.

On Sunday, Matt Kovich, a firefighter with Spokane Valley Fire Department, was at a fundraiser for the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb. The event takes place in March and raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. While there, Matt met someone who had a story he didn’t expect to hear.

“We normally don't get to see the outcome of the patients we get called to,” he says.

A woman named Maria approached them. He was one of the firefighters who responded to her home last year for a cardiac arrest. Through pit crew CPR, they were able to get her heart started after 25 minutes. Matt is just glad he was able to meet her.

“It humbling to get to meet someone you were able to help in a significant way,” he says.

If you’d like to donate to the Spokane Valley Fire Department team, you can go here:

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