Bullet lodged into north Spokane home's window

Bullet lodged into north Spokane home's windowA family is terrified after they say someone fired at least one shot at their home near Maple and Fairview. They believe the gunman targeted the wrong property.

Danielle Rees and her husband discovered the bullet hole, and the bullet still lodged in their woodwork. It went through one of their front windows.

"That's going to be my daughter's room," Danielle said. "What if she would have been there? What if my niece and nephew were in there playing?"

Danielle said the window was fine when they were doing yardwork on Thursday, so believe it happened sometime between Thursday afternoon and Saturday evening. They said not knowing when exactly it occurred is unnerving.

"I want to move," she said. "It's scary."

They did call Crime Check and received a report number. They said an officer has not been by to collect the bullet, but they are hopeful someone will this week.

If you know anything about who did this, please call Crime Check at (509) 456-2233.

(story: Hayley Guenthner, KHQ Local News Anchor & Reporter; photo: KHQ.com)

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