Spokane Humane Society helps Texas shelters

dog in kennel cage

40 dogs will be transported to Spokane by the Spokane Humane Society and San Antonio Pets Alive to free up space in Texas shelters to care for the flood victims.

San Antonio Pets Alive brought back 26 kittens, cats, and dogs from the outskirts of Houston on Monday alone. They expect to receive an estimated 70 animals from the devastated areas. The Spokane Humane Society is anticipating another transport later in September as more animals are recovered.

The Spokane Humane Society is collecting donation items to send back to Texas on the transport arriving this weekend.

They will be collecting: trash bags, bleach, latex gloves, paper towels, hand sanitizer, hand soap, dog toys, dog treats, dry cat food, cat treats, air freshener, Windex, fleece blankets, towels, copy paper, collars, leashes, poop bags, and office supplies.

If you would like to help, bring donations directly to the shelter at 6607 N. Havana and let the staff know the items are for the Hurricane survivors. Any items that do not fit on the transport will be used for the animals at the Spokane Humane Society.

(story: Katie Karl, Content Coordinator, KHQ.com; photo: Spokane Humane Society)

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