Does your AC unit need a tune-up?

AC unit

As temperatures continue to climb this spring and summer, so will the need to get your air conditioning repaired.

Some companies are already feeling the heat. For example, R&R Heating and Air Conditioning received 115 calls before 9 a.m. Tuesday.

But instead of waiting until your AC unit goes kaput, experts say call to make a tune-up appointment now.

“They wait until it’s 75 degrees and night and doesn’t cool off,” said Installation Dept. Manager at Air Control Hearing and Electric Inc., Lylle Wiess. “It’s like a vehicle. You want to make sure you’re running it at peak to save yourself money.” 

Right now AC repair and installation shops are already booked a few days out, and Weiss expects the wait to get even longer by late June and July.

If you’ve done your due diligence and have a working AC, here’s how to get the most out of it.

  • Leave your AC at 76 degrees when you’re not home.
  • Limit light in your home.
  • Change your AC filters.

How can you tell if your AC needs a tune-up?

Weiss says your AC should generally run 15-20 minutes per hour if they are operating properly and sized properly for the house.

If your AC is running all day, it’s likely time for a tune-up.

(story:  Joe McHale, KHQ Local News Reporter,; Photo: National Institute of Standards and Technology)

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