Jury finds former WSU football player not guilty


Back in February, the Whitman County Prosecutor’s Office decided to charge former WSU defensive lineman with felony 2nd degree assault for allegedly knocking a man unconscious during a fight at a house party. The fight happened in July 2016. 

Prosecutors said insufficient evidence has prompted their decision not to file charges against former WSU defensive lineman TJ Fehoko, who allegedly broke a man’s jaw at the same party.

Barber and Fehoko were kicked out of school over the allegations, but were reinstated in November 2016. The two were allowed to return to football after a judge found procedural issues with the way WSU’s Student Conduct Board handled the case.

After a brief jury trial in Colfax, a verdict was reached Tuesday afternoon. KHQ's Peter Maxwell reports Barber was found not guilty on both assault counts.

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