Fake SCRAPS officer tried to take a woman's pet


Dog owners, be careful.

A woman in Cheney says a man posing as a SCRAPS officer came to her home with paperwork saying he had to take her pit bull.

However, SCRAPS says they never sent an officer to her house.

Nicole Presnell was out walking her dog Kelsi in a remote area on Monday morning when she noticed a white van sitting next to her home.

"He said he was with SCRAPS and he had a vicious dog compliant," said Presnell.

He handed her a piece of paper with her address and a description of the concern regarding Kelsi. "He went to grab for my dog and said 'I have to take her in,'" said Presnell.

She knew this didn't seem right. "The piece of paper didn't say SCRAPS, the white van didn't say SCRAPS, nothing said SCRAPS," she said.

She got away from him and thankfully he left. "I was just scared for her safety, scared for my safety that he would hurt me if I didn't give up my dog," said Presnell.

Presnell believes he was casing her home because he knew her address and knew she had a pit bull.

She says he was 6 feet tall, bald, had a blue jacket and blue jeans.  He had no name tag on. She says he is white and somewhere in his 40s. 

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