Coeur d'Alene woman finds mystery inside used book


A Coeur d'Alene woman shopping at a used bookstore found a mystery she wasn't bargaining for tucked inside one book's pages.

During a shopping trip to one Coeur d'Alene used bookstore Naidene Boer saw something that caught her eye. It was a silver hardback book about the history of Harley Davidson motorcycles. She picked it up and thumbed through the pages when she noticed something inside.

A picture of a man in a military uniform with no name or any other information about where it came from. Naidene bought the book, came home and posted a picture of what she had found online, hoping to find whoever it belongs to.

Coming from a military family herself, Naidene says she knows how important it is that it ends up back with its family.

"I have military pictures of my grandpa, and it's the only thing that I have of him from when he was living. Sometimes pictures you just can't replace," Naidene said. "It belongs with their family and that's where it needs to go."

So far Naidene still hasn't identified the man. If you recognize him, contact Patrick Erickson here.

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