Spokane pothole plague continues to cost drivers


For many drivers in Spokane the pothole plague continues to hurt drivers. One of those drivers was Michele Slider.

"It was really quite one of the worst experiences driving in Spokane," Michele said.

After hitting the pothole Michele had a problem.

"All of a sudden we lost control of the car." Michele said.  She was driving on the South Hill when she hit that pothole and did what every driver would do.

"I pulled over immediately because I was scared. I had a little child in the back seat."

Not only did Michele blow out a tire, her cars ball bearing broke. "So we called AAA and two hours later someone came out and looked," Michele said.

It was an expensive repair, costing Michele $700. She doesn't plan on making a claim with the city of Spokane for the damage to her car. " I'm glad that for people who get serious damage to their car that that's an option."

With the rain and snow melt over the last week, these potholes are filling with water, making it difficult for drivers to see what lurks below, "I'm much more worried about the drive around Spokane than I am driving over Snoqualmie in the snow"

KHQ has put in multiple requests to speak with the new Spokane street director Gary Kaesemeyer about the city's plan to address the pothole problem, but they have simply said no to every request. 

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