Idaho couple replaces Spokane non-profit's stolen trailer


SPOKANE, Wash. -For the last week, Serve Spokane has been scrambling to get food to the 1,400 people they see monthly. After KHQ helped spread the word that the non-profit needed some help, it took less than a week for the charity to get back on their feet, thanks to one Idaho couple.

When Vinny and Cathy DelPizzo went to volunteer at  Serve Spokane last Tuesday, they noticed something major was missing.

"Well we were so sad, because we thought, they're not hurting us, they're hurting the people we serve," Cathy said.

The trailer they've used for six years to transport food, was gone. Vinny said their faith had been lost in humanity after someone stole from their charity.

"When someone does something like that, you think, well, the world is that way you know," Vinny said.

But after sharing their story last week with KHQ, Cathy said calls from the community came pouring in.

"It was just amazing," Cathy said.

One couple from Idaho sent Cathy a listing on craigslist for an almost brand-new trailer.

"We said to her, that's really nice, but we don't have money for it now," Cathy said.

But that wasn't what the couple had in mind.

"She said, if you want it, it's yours," Cathy said.

Vinny and Cathy said the couple wanted to remain anonymous, but these two people, have just provided for 1,400.

"We say thank you, but it's not just from us, it's from all the people we serve," Cathy said.

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