Woman reunited with dog after it was stolen with her truck outside casino


There's a happy ending for a woman whose car was stolen with her dog inside at the Northern Quest Casino. 

Indy 500 the Chihuahua had been inside Carolyn Eaton's Mazda 500 pickup truck when both was stolen outside the casino Thursday.

However, according to Sgt. Jesse Alton of Kalispel Tribal Police, Eaton has been reunited with Indy 500 and her truck this weekend. 

When Eaton parked at the casino, she thought that because the casino had security camera's, no one would steal her truck. However the truck and Indy 500, who had belonged to her late brother, were both gone when she came back out after only being on casino property for 30 minutes.

"I walk through the parking lot and say, 'where the heck is my truck,'" Eaton said. 

She went to security and they reviewed the surveillance footage. 

Police say the suspect was booked into jail for the theft of Eaton's truck and Indy 500.

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