Ferry County high-speed chase ends in dramatic crash, arrest


FERRY COUNTY, Wash. -The Ferry County Sheriff's Office says a man has been arrested on a felony warrant after a high speed chase Wednesday night.

A deputy was on patrol looking for a stolen vehicle when he saw a car speed by him going about 90 mph and almost hit another car. The deputy activated his emergency lights and the speeding driver didn't stop. The deputy gave chase as the suspect vehicle turned on to Lake Ellen Road. The chase continued and an under sheriff was in the area and ready to help. 

The driver eventually drove his car off the road and into a cow field. The truck went airborne and flew over a cow fence, then did multiple front flips. 

Following the crash, the driver tried to exit the truck and take off on foot. He was quickly taken into custody by the deputy. The driver was given medical attention before he was booked into jail on the felony warrant and several new charges. 

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