Fire season isn't over in the Inland Northwest


MEDICAL LAKE, Wash. -It's been a month since Spokane saw those nasty air quality numbers get so  hazardous from wildfires and it would be easy to think fire season is over.

But Monday, we had a reminder that fire season is still here, and will be for quite some time.

District three fire Chief Cody Rohrbach told us that given how dry and windy the conditions were in the morning, he wasn't surprised at how quickly these fires spread.

Chief Rohrbach tells us they're still getting a count on the how many fires there were. He says there were at least three, and all about five acres.

South of I-90, homes and businesses saw flames at the foot of their door. But fire crews worked hard, and no structures were lost.

Rohrbach wants to remind everyone that even though it might start to feel like fall, fire season is still hot.

Remember when we saw some rain a few weeks back? Well until that become consistent, Chief Rohrbach says as of right now, there is still significant potential for large fires to start. And one rainfall isn't enough.

"These little shots of rain don't do that for us, things dry out, we get a little wind, and we're right back into it," Chief Rohrbach said.

No injuries were reported. All lanes are back open on I-90.

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