Spokane city council updates park rules


SPOKANE, Wash. -City council passed two separate ordinances related to the city’s park system Monday night.

One of them updates the statutes and rules surrounding the parks. Justin Worthington, the city’s park ranger supervisor, says they’re bringing the rules up to speed with our society and how parks are used, such as creating rules surrounding drone use. That ordinance passed unanimously at Monday's meeting. 

Another portion of it is partially related to encampments in parks.

Worthington says the new law would change the language from just restricting “overnight camping” to using facilities in a manner that “hinders the enjoyment of others” in a park, like if someone is sleeping on sports courts preventing the use of them.

Another part of it would actually allow officials to connect those who need it with community services so they can get help. That ordinance passed 6 to 1 on Monday with council member Kate Burke voting against it. 

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