Spokane Valley men recognized for helping to save teen's life


SPOKANE VALLEY, Wash. -On Monday three men in Spokane Valley were recognized for their quick thinking that saved a teen's life when he collapsed on the football field.

Central Valley High School sophomore Brandon Snider was rushed to the hospital when he went into cardiac arrest during a football game last October. Fortunately for him, Jeff Morrison, Ro Chowdorski and Travis Richardson were there to help.

Firefighters recognized the trio for their quick actions that saved the teen's life. We spoke with Morrison, an athletic trainer at Central Valley, after the ceremony.

"These plaques and these award ceremonies are great but... shaking his hand when he walks into my training room is worth a lot more," Morrison said.

Morrison applied an AED to Brandon's chest and got his heart beating again. 

A cardiologist said that without Morrison, Chowdorski and Richardson's help, Brandon wouldn't be alive today.

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