With schools in Washington state shutting down until April 24th and many Idaho school's beginning to follow suit to attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19 many children could be without a meal they and their families count on throughout the school year. Luckily, many school districts are vowing to still prepare meals for those in need.
Spokane School District
SPS will distribute grab-and-go meals – a breakfast and a lunch -- every weekday at sites throughout the city starting Monday, March 23. All SPS students can participate. More information and locations can be found here.
Central Valley School District
Kids, age 18 and under, can enjoy a free, nutritious, grab-and-go, drive-through or walk-up breakfast & lunch while our schools are closed. Starting on Tuesday, March 17th, 10am-1pm at eleven specific designated locations so far (more to be added). Registration is not required and children do not need to be a CVSD student to participate. Children must be present to pick up. A list of locations can be found here.
East Valley School District
East Valley has yet to decide how they will assist with meals but the superintendent said the following, "Our primary focus is to find ways to support our students and families during this closure (meals, childcare, learning activities, etc.). As things develop, I will continue to send updates, so be sure to check your email as I am sure I will send more information to families Monday evening. Please remember this situation continues to evolve at a rapid pace, so plans can change quickly." You can find her full statement here.
Mead School District
Meals (breakfast & lunch) will be provided starting March 23 and will be FREE for all students (18 and younger). We will be delivering meals to various hubs throughout the school district. More information to follow. We are asking families to share their food needs by completing this Family Needs Survey by Wednesday, March 18 at 8 pm. You can find more info here.
West Valley District
Although school is cancelled, West Valley will continue to offer breakfast and lunch to any student 18 years of age or younger. Beginning Tuesday, March 17, all elementary schools, CMS and WVHS will distribute "drive through" meals to go from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. No paperwork or identification necessary. The program is open to all children.
Cheney District
Student meal service (breakfast and lunch) will begin on Wednesday, March 18. Specific meal pick-up locations and times will be communicated separately in the coming days. Get more info here.
Coeur d'Alene District
We are working on plans to make school meals available for families to pick up at select sites each weekday, beginning Wednesday, March 18. This will include both breakfast and lunch. More details about this, including times and locations, will be shared with you soon. More info found here.