Spokane Police Department boards up nuisance house

Spokane Police Department boards up nuisance house

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The Spokane Police Department boarded up a home that officials say was a chronic drug nuisance house in the area of 400 E. Hartson. 

For over a year, officers say the residence consistently generated neighborhood complaints. Between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, officers received nearly 50 calls. 

Complaints included drug activity, litter & rubbish, noise, prostitution, burglaries, vehicle prowling, trafficking in stolen property, stolen vehicles, reckless driving and harassment.

 "The property owner failed to respond to a chronic nuisance notice, a final warning letter, and all other attempts to amicably resolve the situation," Spokane Police wrote in a news release. 

Ten neighbors from the community were willing to sign affidavits and stand up to take their neighborhood back. In the end, the City brought a nuisance abatement action under Spokane’s Chronic Nuisance Ordinance and the State’s Drug Nuisance Statute.

"Neighbors stopped going for walks, stopped working on their yards, kept constant surveillance, wouldn’t allow their children to play outside, and one neighbor even tried to move but couldn’t because of the continuous drug and criminal activity at the location," Spokane Police said in the release.

By working closely with their Neighborhood Resource Officer and by documenting and reporting the criminal and drug activity, neighbors were able to come together and make a positive change in the community. Officers say that neighbors and their Neighborhood Resource Officer Seth Berrow were instrumental in making this happen.

(story, photo, and video: KHQ.com)

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